
spiral puzzle

i was walking around life looking for the pieces of me that would make me whole – loving relationships, my life purpose, my ultimate lover…

Then i realised i had the puzzle box in my hand all along. There was no need to find my so called missing pieces. i had created a problem that didn’t even exist!

Once upon a time…


Weave me a story…a juicy story.
One with troubled characters and a plot so thick you could put a spoon in it and it stands upright.

Then let me recall that story over and over, embellishing the pain or pleasure so i can feel it, like it’s in my face now! Only trouble is while i’m listening to this riveting story of which i am the leading lady i miss the Reality show unfolding before me…

Sure, Reality almost certainly will not go my way, but guaranteed it will go the way of greatest benefit…with the most unexpected and mysterious happenings.

Now that is my kind of non-story!

Decisions, decisions…


If your heart calls you to do it. Do it.

If not, forget it. Simple.

Do not engage the mind for it

will distract you from your SELF.


STOP, WAIT, GO – when ‘deciding’ on action

Red light – heart feels ripped off, sense of duty, heaviness, heavy justification going on in the mind as to why you should do it.


Orange light – feels uncertain, shaky, can’t clearly see what to do.


Green light – heart excited, itĀ feels right.

= GO!




20140809-084722-31642152.jpgWhat is our individual potential? Are we living it or close to it? Why is it important?

When we incarnate here on earth as the cosmic citizens that we are we are in amnesia as to why we chose to come here and what the heck we want to get done. Bummer!

But as far as I can figure out we can play ‘detective’ and work out the general theme.

First of all we’ve got to clear away the crap in our lives. I’ll write in detail on that another time. In short, live a clean life and sort your head out enough that you can trust your intuition to be your faithful guide.

Then look at your gifts. What are you naturally good at? These are your tools to be used for your purpose.

Then look at your life themes. Write out the general just of your life story – tragedy and romance perhaps?

Look at the key people in your life that have either lifted you up or challenged you (made you grow).

Then overlay all those things on a mind map. For instance start to see a picture of you and your purpose emerging. It’s like decoding a great divine mystery. Luckily you have the keys and you can remember!

Once you have semblance of things it’s time to choose a direction and start taking some intuitive action. Action in a slightly ‘wrong’ direction is still forward action as you’ve ruled that one out.

Remember to go beyond the normal boxes because what you’re meant for may not even exist – yet.

Keep driving forward knowing that your visibility is somewhat like a piece of paper running over the page of a novel. You move the page slowly down to reveal the next bit and then surrender to the rest of the story as that is written by your true SELF, which is not incarnate on earth.

So take the next intuitive action and then importantly SURRENDER every day.